Bahia Honda Tarpon Rig


Question- Exact Bahia Honda Tarpon Rig?

Hey Guys,

Great show.  I have been a fan for years and I am finally getting ready to go do what I have seen you guys do on TV.  We are staying at Hawks Cay and will take our boat to Bahia Honda and fish for tarpon.  We will be there for 2 weeks in May.  Could you show or tell me the exact rig to use for those tarpon?

Thanks a ton!

Mike Sherman

Atlanta, GA


Hey Mike,

Thanks for watching. You are going to love Hawks Cay and you are going to be amazed at the tarpon at Bahia Honda.  If you are going to be there in May, you are going to need a BUNCH of crabs (which they will have at Hawks Cay) and a few of these rigs ready to go.  Here is the exact rig we were using:

Here is another post about how to use Crabs for bait and how many you might need.  Click Here

All the best,

Tom Rowland

Here's how great the fishing can be:

Watch "Tarpon Invasion Bahia Honda" (2018) on Waypoint TV

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