Daiwa Saltist Reel

As a charter guide you need a go-to spinning reel. A battle-axe can handle anything, but is durable enough to stand up to the abuse that customers can sometimes inflict when the equipment is not their own. A spinning reel like this has to be affordable because charter guides are going to routinely buy a bare minimum of 6 while most guides have about 20 in rotation.

As a recreational angler, you can observe what the charter guys are using and feel confident that if the reels used can survive abuse from 300 days out on the water, then they are capable of handling 20 weekends with proper care.

My choice for this battle-axe is the Daiwa Saltist series. I use both the Saltist and the Back Bay Saltist spinning reels in sizes 3000-8000. Here are the capacities for each reel:

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These reels start at retail for under $200, making this the perfect reel for a charter guide or angler who wants quality while watching their wallet. Click here to go to Bass Pro

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I hope that helps!  Send us a picture of the big fish you catch!

-Tom Rowland

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